Solder Holder
Why printing this?
Well on my table I have many things; for example my HY1803D power supply, iDsonix usb hub and cable, raspberry pi, X-TRONIC Soldering Station and Mastech Digital Multimeter. The last thing I needed also is the solder spool to roll around. Plus, I'm holding the solder in the same direction when I use it, so I decided to print a holder that way I will be able to hand it on the shelf I build for my work bench.
Solder Spool Holder -
Solder Spool Holder -
Solder Spool Holder
Download STL files
- Holder Base - This base is where you will attach to where you want it to be. There are 4 screw holes printed already.
- Holder Bar - This is where you will put your spool through.
- Base And Bar - Base and Bar in one STL file